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Would be great if knew some. Also they need to be released before 2021.old shitty mobile.
Replies: >>10485
>>10484 (OP) 
sorry, I can't hear you over the deafening silence reigning over /vg/ where you should've posted this
Replies: >>10486
That board's dead lol
Replies: >>10487
Unlike the thriving cultural hub that is /b/? Why not maybe try to contribue to making /vg/ a bit more lively, even if it's with such a lazy-ass, boring thread? Don't you think that board is dead partly because of cunts like you? Think, Bobby, think.
Replies: >>10488
>unlike the thriving cultural hub that is /b/
Yes unironically. This board's faster.if you want act like a retard,you can fuck off for all I care. No need to stay
who cares

anyway install retroarch and play sega
Replies: >>10491
>No need to stay
That's my line, fuckboy
You're saying shit,dumbfuck. installing retroarch would just make me have to deal with bad controls.
Replies: >>10492 >>10493
You're telling yourself to seethe you mongoloid failure. Why not save us all a few hours of hamfisted "banter" and kill yourself now
>bad controls
use a controller, dipshit
Replies: >>10494
What, and *not* be a whiny neanderthal? You're being unreasonably demanding of OP, my guy
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