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Psalm 94

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any idea how do i compile a list like this into  a more simpler A4 sized page or so
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Try using something like ublock origins element picker to remove side panels and other undesirable elements from the page then printing it as is. Hope that helps
Replies: >>4481
...the ad blocker? i dont understand.
Replies: >>4482
The ad blocker has a mode that can zap out elements too. Makes it so you can clear a page when printing it even though its main purpose is to block unwanted things when you browse a site
Replies: >>4483
what a bout multiple list inside a list. like hyperlinks.can i sort of bring the links into one same pages instead of clicking them one by one

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How to memorize a big list of names like african ideophones when you only use maybe a single smart phone and not want to scroll over

Basically a compact list

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Any advice making comic book that can attract 600k traffic/sales

Like how good or what should it contain
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obvious answer: draw fuckin'

Unfortunately, that's only good if you can draw. Sales and shit is a bad metric for gauging yourself because anyone will buy anything for any reason. Remember the Jesus toast?

For me to want to read a comic, it has to at least have an interesting story that can be ingested in 1 or 2 parts. 

The art isn't a huge sticking point for me (though it helps) if the story is good like in the case of Watchmen, Sandman, or really anything that sticks to the Newspaper style aesthetic that seemed most prevalent before the 90s.

Read acclaimed comics. Figure out why they work. Don't copy the formula, but build your world with it in mind.
Replies: >>4473
>>4469 what about in maybe a single A4 cover pages. Making sure the bloody thing sells. Whats a reliable data to rely then

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The 90s Outer Limits is being aired on Comet, channel 11-07.

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Why is dogisaga such an obeast now?

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Everyone let's discuss how she thinks her own users are 8chan users because she can't get over her massive lost to some fucking trannies
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sage sage sage
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obligatory sage
Replies: >>4336

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Be honest 94/b/, are you homosexual?
Replies: >>4324 >>4327 >>4329
>>4323 (OP) 
no i'm not a pedo tranny sissy faggot
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>>4323 (OP) 
If you're searching for a partner you are in the wrong place
Spoiler File
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>>4323 (OP) 
I'm only ironically gay

on the internet

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Give me a JEW!!!!

Miggers: "YOU!!!!!"
Replies: >>4295
what the hell is wrong with Amigas?
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>>4293 (OP) 

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I've been a user on this chan and Kiwifarms and mastermind keeps appearing over there and here.

I know they hate 8chan and Liz are they really trying to help us?

Should null know?
Should we start an investigation?
259 replies and 108 files omitted. View the full thread
that's basically what >>>/cow/ is for yeah
If kiwi farms goes down for good, can I bring me and my kiwi bros here
Replies: >>4271

Always bruv
Just come here anyway

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Sup guys I found this Playstation somewhere and I want to get rid of it, do people still buy these on craigslist?
Replies: >>4269 >>4270
>>4268 (OP) 
you stole it nigger
>>4268 (OP) 
That looks like a book

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