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Psalm 94

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Anime sucks ass.
Replies: >>4709
>>4708 (OP) 
Why are you posting dickgirls that's anime behavior

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Good evening 94chan.

I was just stopping by to wish you all a merry Christmas and formally invite you to attend to our christmas event on https://anon.cafe/christmas! From December 17 to 18 There will be music starting with various game lobbies and cultural exchanges between imageboards along with several movie nights organized by anons. I hope you all can have a wonderful time with us this weeked.

Best regards. Anon.
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Replies: >>4699 + 3 earlier
Haha its fine! I realized that like 4 mins after I posted that
>>4691 (OP) 

Can I use my ass to sing jingle bells?
Replies: >>4705
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Also when are we going to kill 8chan they keep posting here and its getting irritating
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Replies: >>4690 + 2 earlier
Being drunk off my ass hope everyone's day is good
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>>4681 (OP) 

I'm boofing Vicodin and fingering my own ass
Replies: >>4694
Oh Sarah, need an extra set of fingers?
Replies: >>4703

I think just 1 extra will suffice

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I have been looking everywhere now for the last two years for her Leaks and have no luck on the clearweb well from the usual places and have no idea where else to look for them and I know they are real cos I've not nor have I ever seen the picture used for the sampler teaser anywhere online like any of her social media sites and like to ask if anyone here has any ideas where else I could look for them.

Well it sure won't be here, degenerate.

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I want to fuck a biblically accurate angel guise
Last edited by homicide
Replies: >>4638
>>4637 (OP) 
Illuminati saged

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Post old stuff relating to 7chan, stories, screenshots, and other things relating to 7chan.
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The word on 7chan since 08 has been "bitter oldfags"

It's probably exactly the same.
Replies: >>4622 >>4625
/b/ is the most active board by far but people post shit all the time. Most of the boards are dead though is the issue. Frozen in time.
Well yeah, it was that way when I modded it too :3
ITT: Seething newfags.

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River says post cats, it's caturday!
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Replies: >>4297 + 3 earlier
>>3866 (OP) 
Awe it's river!  I love her.
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Happy Caturday, /b/
Replies: >>4558
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You too kipp!
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I can has cats too?

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wut a dump. does anyone even poast here!? wheres the feels threads its friday night. every other chan i fucked by captcha. i just wan to shitpost. who knew the internet would suck so bad in the future?! i hate this place.
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Vodka tonic. Anyone else? am I drinking alone tonight? this is the slowest board ever. dont get me wrong, i love having somewhere to post but holy shit boys, i was in chat rooms in '95 with more traffic. soooooooo sloooooow here.  do those faggots on 4chan actually enjoy being there. seems like a lot of old fags left but where did they go? not here. who the fuck gets a chan pass?! hard to have a convo when it takes 2 days to get a response. now im just rambling. fuck. shitting into the void i guess.
Replies: >>4616
fat dicks
Replies: >>4617
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>fat dicks

that's what youre drinking? sounds fuckin gross bro.
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just gonna spam my own crap thread i guess

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What would you like for christmas, 94chan?
Replies: >>4591 >>4592
>>4590 (OP) 
A gun, an ounce of weed, and a kitten.
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>>4590 (OP) 

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Replies: >>4582
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guys wait i dont think that's ice cream
Replies: >>4580
2 girls 1 cup
>>4575 (OP) 

Did he win?

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