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Psalm 94

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Is there mathemathics or reason to colors in translucent objects
Like glass here and why it has darker shadow and brighters one

I guess brighter one comes from light source and darks come from its own shade but then they stack against each other so why is some dark and light but not the same with everything
It ok to cry. Not like we will all be gold suddenly, even if everyone is 100 points.
Replies: >>220
Oh boy. That's a whole discussion on material properties, light refraction, and physics.

For starters, the side opposite the light will generally be darker because there is material preventing the full amount of light from being reflected into your eyeballs.

Of course if the material is curved glass that can move the light in a way where it is brighter farther from the light....

You can pick stuff up you know. Get a glass bottle and a flashlight. Look at the shapes you are pointing the lights at and look at the shapes the shadows make. Practice and learn to look before you learn to draw.

oh. i didn't actually answer you.
yes, life is made of math.
Last edited by homicide
Replies: >>218 >>220 >>242
>You can pick stuff up you know.
honestly I'm not sure he can
Replies: >>219 >>220
shhh I'm trying
Replies: >>220 >>242
>>216 wat?
>>217 >pick up stuff
I do. I use marbles. It's rather different though... so i cant always use it as reference. Nor enough of theory.

I think i kinda solve how the angles of lights are... so now i just need someone to affirm how the lights are mathemathically calculated... upon lights and dark stacking together of the two opppsing sides but one becomes more dominant i gues...
Like picture.

I dunno. This whole text is kinda slow for visualization i guess
>>218 i did. How else we can have this picture on this conversation? You?
Replies: >>221 >>222
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Replies: >>224
you are asking math questions about physics on an art board, most of us are good at maybe 1 of those 3 at a time

unless our resident artfag decides to share some doodlefu with you, i do not think we can be helpful in your specific required way.
Replies: >>224 >>242
two opppsing sides but I think one becomes more Like picture. how dominant are... so now i just need someone  together...
 the angles of lights of the lights and dark the lights are i kinda solve i gues...

mathemathically calculated...
Replies: >>224
>>221 k bye
>>222 well the color theory is mathemathics. And your subject is physical. I m pretty sure i didnt ask wrong. You however, 
Well not  bad at all. I justneed more infos.
U can oekaki here. Did you sell your tablet or something.
Replies: >>225 >>226
W hat are  you.   talkkin a bout?...
I don''t   get it....
I haven't had a tablet since 2016, and doodle fu is just a dumb way of saying art skill

i officially hate this thread.
Replies: >>227 >>242
>i officially hate this thread.
This guy has made like ten of these and they're all literally the same
Replies: >>228 >>229 >>231
oh i know, this one just wasn't on the list yet
Replies: >>231 >>242
I think he is on lsd
Replies: >>231 >>232
>ten of these
Prettt sure you and your hentais are the same
And you ve been here longer than me
And more frquently
What do you ever know
Like you i guess.
Replies: >>234 >>242
>>229 no i think you smell of cement
do you honestly think we can't make out your atrocious, barely functional writing style, coupled with your vague, mostly incoherent, overtly demanding requests? Are you that un-self-aware?
Replies: >>240
>>234 you cant. You kept posting stupid hentais. And you cannot count

You stupid faggot

Stop wasting my thread you self centered motherfuckers. Learn to fucking read like a goddamn nerd you splintered dick of an internet waste of life. Now fucking scram you garbage existence.
I m pretty sure i didnt ask any simple rule to animating correctly Other than tracing Other than licking balls How to make your ko-fi/instagram  Is this correct? this picture on this conversation? You? And technically all surface are thwres actually infinite reflection in something??? A means to sort of correctly plot the motions Is there mathemathics  You kept refractions and reflections in translucent object. Objects. posting stupid hentais. or  whatever they do Also you are not 4chan need an advice of "how good" at something-has-talent-maybe reason Whats the mechanical my LINEART shd ways to NOT be you dont actually understand the fucking topic like a verbal list yourself Whatever is quality control doing a glass or vector kind, what reference? i guess. wrong just cant compress time in the end Stop wasting my thread that ll sell millions like marvel? how does underwater reflections/refractions you self centered reflect and refract the things around them? Especially in cartoon, vector kind of things... motherfuckers Draw Spider-Man...other than copying i guess.

.....brighter one.....
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hi, I'm


I run the server you have been shitting up

I have tried to be nice
Find someone who speaks whatever mangled native tongue you use and ask them your questions because you sound like an angry retarded in English.

You are fuck, please unfuck. Or don't, but don't be fuck here.
Last edited by homicide
Replies: >>244
Yes bye stupid faggot sorry i need to make so many because you braindeads just disappeared into garbages and useless materials every 3 seconds

I have tried to believe in you faggs but ypu are all just wasted garbage trashbag of human beings go jill your fucking self you uselss trashbin of mongol dirt


Replies: >>250
Other than tracing Otherthan licking balls How to make your ko-fi/instagram sorry i need to make so Is this correct? this  pictureon  this conversation? You? because you And technically  all  surface are, thwres actually infinite reflection in something??? 
A means, to sort of correctly plot the   braind eads just disa ppearedmotions  Is there mathemathics   You kept, refractions and reflections in translucent object. Objects. posting stupid hentais. 

 Espec ially in wasted garbage trashbag  c artoon, vector kind of things... motherfuckers  Draw Spider-Man  ever y   3 seconds...but ypu areother than copying i guess.or  whatever,, they do Also you are not 4chan need an advice of "how good" at some thing-has-talent-maybe reason 

.......Whatsthe mechanical my LINEART shd ways to NOT be you don t  actually understand the fucking topic like a verbal list youre self .....

What ever is  quality control doing  a glass or vector kind, what reference? i guess. wrong just can,t compress time in the end  wasting mythread that ll sell millions like.,.,   jill you r e fucking marvel? how does underwater reflections/refractions I have tried to believe you self center ed reflect and refract the things  around them? 

I m bye stupid pretty sure i didnt ask any simple rule to animating into garbages and,  useless materials correctly.....  

.....mongol,, dirt.....
Replies: >>246
>>245 clearly you have issues with being useful arent you
Replies: >>247
I clearly are issues with having useful
.. okwill all?? be gold sud den...

.......100 point s.......
>disappeared into garbages and useless materials every 3 seconds

I'm sorry if my life doesn't revolve around answering incomprehensible questions on a mostly dead board, I kind of have a lot going on like keeping the website running. I even offered the little bit of help I had, but you just took another bite of the bar of soap and resumed fucking a football while looking in 2 directions at the same time and grunting like a clogged fountain.

again, please unfuck yourself for your sake and enjoy the 2 weeks off
Last edited by homicide
Replies: >>254 >>255
Pretty sure i didnt grunt long than you mister loghead.

Dont need to preech how complicated your life is. I m just looking for audience... not kicking your ass like a dead horse.


>>250 >2weeks off
Clearly i have tooken longer than that in this dead log of a service but your audience remain unsatsifying, unreliable, and unconnectable
Dont worry this will be longer since you have come by and grace me even more with your unselective, disinterested state of grunting commentary


this w ill be longer since Espec ially in wasted garbage trashbag 100 point s c artoon, vector kind of things... motherfuckers  into garbages and,  useless materials correctly.. .. .    Is there mathemathics   You kept, refractions and reflections in translucent object. 

Draw Spider-Man  ever y   3 seconds because you And technically  all  surface are, thwres actually infinite reflection in something??? 
Pretty be gold sud den sorry i need to make so Is this correct? this  pictureon    this conversation? You? braind eads just disa ppearedmotions I m bye stupid pretty sure i remain unsatsifying, unreliable, and unconnectable didnt ask any simple rule to animating 

Objects. posting stupid hentais. A means, to sort of correctly plot the  Other than tra cing Otherthan licking balls How to make y our ko-fi/instagram okwill all??

.......Whatsthe mechanical my LINEART shd ways to NOT be mongol,, dirt..... you don t  actually grace me even more understand the fucking topic like a verbal list youre self .....

What eve r i have tooken is  quality control doing  a glass or vector kind, what reference? i guess. 

...but ypu areother than copying i   guess.or  whatever,, they do Also you are not 4chan need an advice of "how good" at some thing-has-talent-maybe reason i didnt grunt long wrong just can,t compress time in the end  wasting my unselective, disinterested state of grunting commentary thread that ll sell millions like.,.,   jill you r e fucking marvel? how does underwater reflections/refractions  in this dead log I have tried  to believe you self center ed r  eflect and refract the things  around them?  



Replies: >>257
You write like a tire fire.
Replies: >>258 >>261
that was me making fun of OP dude
Replies: >>259 >>261
Poes law man
It was really convincing
Stop psyopping me
Last edited by homicide
Replies: >>260
I feel somewhat flattered that Poe's law had to be invoked
Well you both are hilarious


Replies: >>262
stop evading bans
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