Show me your best dongers.
Here's a pic that a drew in MSPaint that illustrates my latest board game. It's obsolete now since the 1x3 piece no longer exists in the game (at least on a 7x7 playing field). I have no art skills but I can draw lines.
Hitler was an artist. Show me your best Hitler.
Dead Mans Shoes (brit film)
Looking for nice 600k watercolor tutorial
To make this worth more
How to make 600k traffic worth art like kimjunggi on insta gram
Like a single, very very good post
How do i plan
Edit: show bobs and vagene, India loves that shit
How to make this gain 6 digit traffic.
I ve seen alot of sketchs with alot of traffic. So.
I did a challenge with my friend where we both did ocs then after they were completed we digitally colored each others. The subject of ours was ugly/creepy sjws. Picrel is my coloring, shading, and reworking of her art. With that at hand share some of your ocs
Is there mathemathics or reason to colors in translucent objects
Like glass here and why it has darker shadow and brighters one
I guess brighter one comes from light source and darks come from its own shade but then they stack against each other so why is some dark and light but not the same with everything
Need help on how to make successively correct animation such as walking running, dance or action
From keyframes to inbetweens
How to make the 12/24 fps all correct in balance, weight
A means to sort of correctly plot the motions in each frame respective to the previous ones, and its own rig/body
How to draw lines and proportions and details in perspective precisely i cant help but misses shapes and forms it ruins my mojo and realism
Whats the mechanical ways to NOT be wrong
Other than licking balls of everyone of your customers like whatever they do at something-has-talent-maybe behind the scene, (No offense, though i m sure thats the uh "customs"-err's custom)
How do you measure up your comic art so to deliver... some fifty grand of sales. Maybe from... publisher's perspective? Especially since art encompass so many things than just, arranging pebbles..or bricks.
Whatever is quality control i guess.
How do one draw/paint, glasses/crystal/translucent objects
Given its form, material, refractive indexes, composition its locations in a scene maybe and its relative light source... maybe use picrel as reference?
Especially in cartoon, vector kind of things...since the subject seems like it ll gain colors from anything in front and behind itself?
Is there any simple rule to animating correctly. A means to know the position and coordinates based on the supposed motion and scene, character's properties
How to make your ko-fi/instagram more presentable and accessible to some million subscribers usually
Like how better of content and how accessible your site shd be.
sorry I'm not very good at drawing windmills i just like looking at them they make my skeleton stop fighting for a moment
AUUUUUUUWGH YEAH FOLX! I'm back to the best board. Enjoy my art! More coming soon.
Made this by accident for another project...irdk it ended up cool
Anyone wanna play? I'll go first
post artistic ai drawings
celebrate ai made the fat genderfluid "artists" making degen porn and anime seethe because their feverdream future selling trash on patreon will never be a reality
Gosh i need motivations. I just cant compress time in the end..nor can i change anyone's perception nor can they feel mine.
Can i learn how does underwater reflections/refractions work, also above the water like how they reflect and refract the things around them? I imagine it should be like mapping shadows which i understood from books, but not these despite how light works so i d have to work it from scratch myself given the rarity of the subject
Itt drawing one line at a time. If you want to match, it's pen tool size 8.
How do i make comic art that ll sell millions like marvel? From stories to the style and rendering, how do i know when the art style is million sales?
What online school should i take?
Can i get some very specific explanation for reflection, refraction, translucent/matte/ reflective surfaces and caustics like since all surfaces reflects light thus when you have reflective surface like foil balls again each other it means the two will reflect on each other until infinitely or something? So i have to draw lije infinite reflection???? Is this correct? And since technically all surface are reflective somewhat thwres actually infinite reflection in each other or something???
need a strictly 2d game engine with eliptical path tool, so i dont have to write a bunch of shid like a circle path
How do ypu improve your art...other than copying i guess.
This is family killer Chris Watts, but this is him in his actual form. He is actually an ancient crab-like creature responsible for the destruction of Atlantis.
need an advice of "how good" my LINEART shd be to gain some six digit traffic
like a verbal list to know how much is enough orz
see announcement thing up top for more detail
reply if u think homicide is gay
fill this in for free robux
hai guys this is my first artwork, constructive criticism only please!